Thursday, January 31, 2013

Simple Workout

This can so easily be the truth, as Americans we know full well that exercise is good for us.  Our society is set up to help us achieve this discipline in our lives.  Many work places have full blown gyms, employee health incentive programs, or both.  There are 24/7 fitness clubs popping up in our towns. Entire stores devoted to workout clothes and equipment.  We do not have to look hard or far to find opportunity to spend our money on working out. 

If you have not or do not currently own a piece of workout equipment that is collecting dust, I am sure you know of someone who does.  There are tons of books, DVDs, clothes,etc.... devoted to helping you workout.  It is a fierce competition for your time and your money.

If I am going to continue to simplify I need to understand how I operate in the realm of the the workout world.  I could waste a lot of time, money and space on an endeavor that is not going to serve me well if I dive in without understanding who I am first.

I have tried running, bought the shoes ($$$$)  they still look new.  Then I thought I would walk, bought different shoes ($$$) they still look new.  When we first got married we bought a Nordic Track, it is still in our basement, collecting dust.  I have had workout tapes, leg warmers, cute  stretchy clothes, club memberships.  All of these things were purchased with the best of intentions but in the end it was a waste of good resources.

When we lived in Singapore we had a full gym at our condo complex it was a two minute underground walk, I used it maybe 10 times in two years.  So what is the issue?

For me the issue is certain types of exercise do not connect with me.  I did finally join a Yoga studio and knew right off that I could indeed do this kind of workout.  There is something to be said about trying different things, you will not know what you like until you try it.  If you can try it without a big investment then do it.  Many health clubs offer a free trial for a friend, just use the things you already have on hand and try it out.

To keep it simple start off slow with your investment.  For yoga all one really needs is knowledge, a towel and some loose fitting clothes.  You can even do it in your pajamas, no one will know.  Think about your sport of interest, what is the minimum needed, do that first.

After some time if you are still doing your workout then figure out what is the one thing that would help to to improve this workout and invest in that.  If you are still doing it then go ahead and slowly invest in the sport making sure that the equipment you purchase fits your budget, space and time in your life.

Purge all of those workout items in your home that are lying around doing you no good.  Donate them to a second hand store someone will be thrilled to get it.

Keeping it simple means evaluating, nothing is done on a whim when it comes to purchasing items. 

Keep in mind how many sets of workout clothes you really need, this involves knowing how often you will participate in the sport and how often you do your laundry.

Do not buy new items until the ones you have are fully worn out, then rid yourself of the worn out item and invest in the best replacement.

When we limit ourselves to what we truly need, and will use, we save money, time, energy and space making our life simple and more enjoyable.

Whatever your sport, walking, biking, running, yoga, working at the gym, know yourself and only invest in those things that will allow you to improve yourself.

Remember:  Keep it simple.

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