Saturday, January 26, 2013

Simplify Inch By Inch

As I walked into the yoga studio in Singapore I was excited to start my new adventure in healthy living.  The studio was big, beautiful and clean.  OK, I can do this right?

I carefully selected a mat in the center of the front row so I could easily hear and see the instructor, I was early so I just sat there.  Suddenly about five minutes before the start of class the studio was filling up and my nerves started to tense my body up.  I had never done anything like a yoga class before, it was completely new territory!

The instructor entered, introduced himself and then proceeded to tell the class to close our eyes, take in a deep breath and relaaaaax, soften all muscles and focus on our breathing.  With each breath we were to feel our muscles soften in preparation for the task ahead of us.  Tight muscles can lead to injury in yoga. 

Yoga is about letting go, yeah right!  I was really freaked out now. 

As the class progressed the instructor said "inch by inch, millimeter by millimeter, there is no need to force it just let it happen, this is yoga."

As I attended more and more classes I did relax, I did let go, my muscles did soften and the poses did happen.

I can see this is similar to my simplifying process.  At first, I had no idea where to start.  WHAT do I do?  As time has gone on it has become easier for me to catch a vision of what simple might mean to our family.

I encourage you to pick ONE area to clean out, maybe the top of your dresser, a drawer, a closet shelf, your car, your purse, just pick one.  Then relaaaax, take a breath and let go as you rid your life of the things that are adding clutter and stress to you and your family.

Inch by inch, millimeter by millimeter, clean it out, let it go, this is simplifying.

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