Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chart Maker

As a home schooling parent I have been involved in many support groups both as a participant and a leader.

 Home schooling families can be very creative and there are a lot of great ideas shared in support group meetings. I found that I would fall into a trap and it was not simple.

 What is the trap?

  Well, "Susan" shows her incredible chore chart during our meeting and I think to myself "YES! If I put this chart together my boys will get all of their chores done and I will not have to remind them, thus simplifying our chore time."  (insert any area of your life here, it doesn't have to be charts or chores)

  Great idea, so home I would go, and organize all my supplies, make the chart, explain it to the boys and we were off and running.

  The problem is...... I am a great chart maker but not a great chart keeper.

  This means there is a very impressive looking chart hanging on my fridge but really it was not accomplishing anything because I just don't maintain stuff like charts.   In fact it is accomplishing adding stress and feelings of failure to my life.

So let's keep it simple,

 I need to forget the charts and actually use my time and energy on training my boys in their chores.  A well trained child is a blessing to their family.

Just figure out what it takes for you to keep things simple.

 If you are able to make and maintain charts with out stress then go for it!  However if charts complicate your life then put them aside and train your children in ways that work for both you and your kids.

I bet I've made probably 20 or more charts in my 12 years of home schooling, you'd think I would have learned early on that charts don't work for me or my family but I didn't.

  I am telling you this personal experience to illustrate that what I write in this blog may work for me but if it doesn't work for you that is OK just keep reading, keep striving and soon you will figure out how you can make things simple in your life.

Just remember to keep it simple.