Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Simplify~ Paper Piles Part 1

Paper piles, most of us have them and they can seem like a daunting task to conquer.  Today pick ONE pile to go through if you are like most people you have more than one pile so just keep it simple and pick one.

Before going through the pile gather a couple of tools to help you deal with the pile.

A garbage can

A box to put papers to be filed in

A digital camera

I would guess that most of the pile can go into the garbage, if it has sensitive information on it you may want to shred it or burn it.

  How do I know if I can throw it away?  Here are some guidelines for you to consider.

Is it junk mail?  Throw it out.

Can I get this information on line?  Throw it out. 

Is it an idea that I want to keep for later?  File it or take a digital picture to upload to your idea file on your computer.

Ask yourself why you feel you need to hold on to this piece of paper.  I agree there are some things we should be keeping.  Tax information, recent pay stubs, charity giving receipts, birth certificates, passports, school records... these paper items are important so be sure to have a file system to keep them safe in. 

We also want to be keeping some of our childrens work, we do not want to throw out their childhood.

Be realistic today and try to throw most of the paper pile away.

 In the future we will look at what to do with the kids special items from school.  For now put those items into a folder or a box.

Just take this one piece of paper at a time and keep it simple.  You can do it so go ahead and get started.

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