Monday, February 11, 2013

Simplify~ One A Day Challenge Day 2

ONE A DAY CHALLENGE, the purpose of this challenge is to get started on cleaning out our homes.  In order to live simply we must rid our selves of the useless things in our lives that take up our time and space. 

Day one the challenge was to remove one item, any item, from your house.  Donate it, toss it, burn it, it does not matter but get it out. 

I decided to go ahead and blog the challenge so if you don't have the time to join us now you can refer back to the blog and take the challenge at a later date.  This brings us to today, Day 2.

ONE A DAY CHALLENGE~ Day2~ if you don't have time for today's optional challenge, no worries just make sure you remove ONE item from your home. 

Challenge yourself today to go through one small AREA of your house. A kitchen drawer, one closet shelf, your purse, your car etc.... 

 Keep it small, keep it simple, be real with yourself when weeding out. Remember some weeds have beautiful flowers but they actually chock out the healthy plants. Don't keep it based on the fairy tail that you might really use it someday. You know how you operate. Stick to the truth.  Get rid of it!

I decided to tackle my "kitchen gadget" drawer today. 

As you can see we were overflowing.  This made it very difficult to retrieve items that we needed.

I love to cook, love it.  So this drawer was very difficult for me to sort through as I can rationalize EVERY single item in there.  I had to be brutal with myself.

Step one was to pull everything out of the drawer so I could see what was actually in there.

  We have been back from Singapore for four months now so everything I have used in the last four months stayed.  I also kept the cake decorating stuff as I do use it a couple of times a year. 

I did end up throwing out a few items.  A couple of things were put back into their proper spot in my kitchen and then I had a give away pile.

I know, it is not a huge pile and honestly I will have to go through this drawer again but I did make some progress today.  Evey step we take to weed out and simplify is a gift to ourselves and our families.

Here is the after, it is still a little chaotic looking but this drawer is the only place I have to put this stuff and hey, you can SEE the bottom of the drawer so that's progress.

Go ahead, pick an area of you house and clean it out, this drawer took me 20 minutes but only because I agonized over the flower producing weeds in there before I pulled them out.  I'm sure someone else could clean this drawer in ten minutes.

Just remember, step by step, keep it simple.

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